安全信息 & 事件管理(SIEM)

A SIEM tool provides 可见性 into cloud services 和 infrastructure, 以及集中日志数据, 威胁检测,响应.



Security information 和 event management (SIEM) is a type of solution that detects security issues by centralizing, correlating, 和 analyzing data across an IT network. SIEM的核心功能包括 日志管理 与集中, security event detection 和 reporting, 和 search capabilities. This combination helps companies meet 合规 needs 和 identify 和 contain attackers faster.



SIEM tools work by leveraging three core capabilities to provide the security monitoring 和 可见性 needed in today's hybrid 和 multi-cloud environments:

  1. 数据收集: 收集和分析 来自整个网络的数据.
  2. 威胁检测: 识别可疑和/或恶意行为.
  3. 威胁的回应: 提供警报, 可见性, 和 actionable data to response teams so they can address an issue before it becomes serious.

If 合规 报告是一个重要的驱动因素, a SIEM should also be able to assist with dashboards 和 ensure security policy is being enforced. 不管具体的规定是什么, you not only need to protect customer 和 sensitive data, but also proactively show your approach to key stakeholders 和 auditors by tracking 和 monitoring all access to network resources 和 critical systems.


A SIEM tool is used for providing better 可见性 into cloud services 和 infrastructure 以及集中日志数据, 威胁检测,响应. 更有知名度,也更现代 扩展检测和响应(XDR) 功能-大多数SIEM工具应该支持: 

  • 安全数据的搜索和可视化
  • 检测 of compromised users 和 lateral movement
  • 识别不断演变的攻击者行为 
  • 监控远程工作人员
  • 调查和事件响应速度提高20倍
  • Automatic containment of compromised users 和 assets
  • 解决多个遵从性法规 
  • 精简个案管理

SIEM工具有许多用例, however it will take assessment 和 research to identify the solution that fits the specific needs of your 安全运营中心(SOC).


正确部署时, a SIEM offers organizations the 可见性 they need to measurably reduce risk across the entire network to detect both known 和 unknown threats. SIEM solutions have been around for the better part of two decades, 和 today’s modern SIEMs don’t quite resemble their original, 日志管理对应项.

As the security l和scape has evolved, SIEMs have evolved as well (at least, some of them have). The most effective, automated solutions today include:

  • 更少的误报
  • 准确的恶意软件检测
  • 对所有基础设施进行综合分析
  • 了解新威胁的能力
  • 端点检测


时间和准确性在这里很重要. 使用SIEM工具, 您的公司每天可能会看到数十亿个事件, 有很多信息需要筛选. You need a SIEM solution that can verify what needs follow-up 和, 同样重要的是, 什么是无害行为. 您的解决方案的适应性就越强, the better the chances you won't have a public relations nightmare or financial crisis on your h和s. 

这里有一个简短的清单 在SIEM解决方案中寻找什么:


Setting up SIEM tools can be a complex task for even the most advanced security practitioner. But, when done correctly, it can eliminate blind spots across your network. The first step consists of underst和ing your existing network 和 security stack 和 figuring out how to collect log information from those points.

You’ll also need to consider planning for hardware if a software as a service (SaaS) storage option isn’t offered by the vendor. 最后, an ongoing step is to write rules to detect events of interest 和 create reports to highlight key metrics on overall network risk. 


Managing logs effectively with your SIEM tool is essential for network 可见性, 合规, 和可靠的 事件检测和响应. You as a security practitioner need the ability to ask questions of your data (usually using structured query language or SQL) to identify 入侵指标(ioc), find the users 和 systems affected, 和 share the final scope with remediation teams.

Managing logs usually involves indexing data 和 correlating it with other data sets. The end goal is to give you an easy way to search for threats from one unified dashboard.


After general setup, configuring your alerts 和 reports is key to being efficient with your SIEM. 作为一名安全从业者, you’ll need to constantly refine your SIEM to provide you with the important security events happening on your network.

A common problem with SIEM tools is that they produce too many un-prioritized alerts, more than the security team can take the time to investigate. That’s why it’s important to continuously tune new 和 existing rules to effectively find only the relevant threat actions.

有很多东西要记住,也有很多东西要吸收. But feeling overwhelmed can't stop you from taking action. 攻击的形式和规模各不相同, 和 underst和ing their full scope is not just something that's “nice to have.” When you use incident 和 detection response effectively, you start your company on a path to streamlining more tasks through a better underst和ing of what policies are working 和 which ones might need some work.


了解Rapid7的SIEM & XDR产品


[The Lost Bots] Podcast Season 2, Episode 1: SIEM Deployment in 10 Minutes

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